Tuesday, December 24, 2013


My son Chris is quite a jokester! Last Christmas he gave me the can you see pictured above. The label is hilarious so I thought I would share it with you. I especially loved the % of daily requirements:
Magic        100%
Hopes and Dreams      100%
Giggles      100%
Smiles       100%
Rainbows  100%
Stars         100%
Happiness  100%
Kisses and Hugs         100%
Sunshine    100%
Superglue  1000% (That's kind of mean!)
Love         All you need
Surprises   You'll see

Below that it lists the ingredients: 100% organic, free-range, care-free unicorn meat.
(I love that!)

Lest you be concerned that unicorns are being slaughtered for their meat, read on:
"At Radiant Farms we guarantee that the geriatric unicorns in our care are treated with the utmost love and respect until they go over the double rainbow bridge. That's what makes Radiant Farms Unicorn Meat so delicious. The secret ingredient is love. And sparkles."

Now, dear readers, while I think this is hilarious, all my readers KNOW that unicorns are immortal!


Visit my website to see what I am writing 
and read excerpts from my books.

Friday, December 6, 2013


Fall is my favorite season. Summer is second. Spring is third.....Yes...Winter comes in Dead LAST! As charming and romantic as all the winter scene pictures of sleigh rides may be, remember someone had to harness those horses and hitch up the sleigh! I thought about that this morning as I was feeding and cleaning stalls in -8 degree weather....YES! That's MINUS EIGHT! My nostrils were breathing in biting cold air, making my nose hairs freeze. My horses's eye lashes had tiny ice cycles on them! Now, I firmly believe that our ancestors were much, much tougher than we are but that doesn't mean they enjoyed freezing nearly to death.

So here is my "Rocky Mountain Horse Girl's Wish List!"
1. Manure that doesn't freeze to the ground
2. Gate latches that don't freeze closed
3. Gloves that actually keep your hands warm
4. Water heaters that don't pop the circuits
5. Blanket straps that don't break
6. It's only December 6th and I am already wishing for spring. I'm in trouble!
7. Oh...and enough money to have a heated barn and an indoor heated arena. (Yeah right...like that's going to happen!)

Guess I'll just go read a book!

Send me your Winter wish list!

Christmas shopping?
Order Behind the Mist (Print or ebook,) Mists of Darkness (Print or ebook,) The Rising Mist (currently in ebook only,) or North Mystic (Print or ebook) either on the website www.behindthemist.com or wherever books are sold. 

Thursday, November 21, 2013


Valiant, an upper level dressage horse lost his life on Nov. 15th to an infection on the innermost lining of the heart. He was twenty seven years old. That is not the remarkable part of this story, however. The remarkable part of the story began when he was six years old. At that time he stepped on a nail and developed an infection that resulted in total blindness. His owner, Jeannette Sassoon, refused to give up on him. Slowly and lovingly, she trained him to follow her aides as she took him around his dark world...a dark world that included the dressage show rings of Florida. She competed with him clear up to the Pres St. Georges level! 

I am so sorry that Jeannette has lost her beloved companion but he was one lucky horse to have had her for his owner. Now, as one of the noble and great horses, he is undoubtedly working toward earning his unicorn horn and, just think, now he can see all the beauty of Celestia around him.  

Here is a news story about him from Youtube:

Christmas is coming and the best thing you can get your horse lover is a great book!
Behind the Mist, Mists of Darkness and The Rising Mist are ready and waiting. (The Rising Mist is just available on ebook format at the moment and Behind the Mist is also available as an audio book.)

Friday, November 15, 2013


In  honor of the health insurance debacle that we are all suffering through right now, I had to post this great article sent to me by a friend. If anyone knows the clever author of this piece, please send it to me so I can give much deserved credit! BTW: This must be designed to cut down on the use of carbon fuels! (Opps...don't give this idea to Al Gore!)


The U.S. government has just passed a new law called: "The Affordable Horse Act" declaring that every citizen MUST purchase a horse by April 2014.

These "affordable" horses will cost an average of $54,000-$155,000 each. This does not include taxes, training, trailering, feed and farrier fees, boarding, show and transportation fees, veterinarian bills or the occasional hospitalization.

This law has been passed because until now, only wealthy and financially responsible people have been able to purchase horses. This new law ensures that every American can now have an "affordable" horse of their own, because everyone is "entitled" to a horse. If you purchase your horse before the end of the year, you will receive 4 "free" saddle pads, not including monthly usage fees.

In order to make sure everyone purchases an affordable horse, the costs of owning a horse will increase an average of 250-400% per year. This way, wealthy people will pay more for something that other people don't want or can't afford to maintain. But to be fair, people who can't afford to maintain their horse will be regularly fined and children (under the age of 26) can ride their parent's horse in shows on or until they turn 27. Then they must purchase their own horse.

-If you already have a horse, you can keep yours. (Just kidding---no you can't!)
-If you don't want or don't need a horse, you are required to buy one anyhow.
-If you refuse to buy a horse or can't afford one, you will be regularly fined $800 until you purchase one or face imprisonment.

Failure to ride your horse will also result in fines. People living in the inner city, low-desert, or who live in cities or areas with no access to stables or show-rings are not exempt. Age, fear of falling, no equestrian experience, neither horsemanship skills nor inability to ride are acceptable excuses for not using your horse.

A government review board (that doesn't know the difference between the withers, fetlock or tail of a horse) will decide everything, including: when, where, how often and for what purposes you can use your horse...along with how many people can ride your horse...and determine if one is too old or  not healthy enough to be able to ride their horse. They will also decide if your horse has out-lived it usefulness or if you must purchase specific accessories, (like a $5,000.00 saddle) or a newer and more expensive green Warmblood from Europe. Those that can afford Fancy Hunters will be required to do so...it's only fair.

The government will also decide the name for each horse. Failure to comply with these rules will result in fines and possible imprisonment.

Government officials are exempt from this new law. If they want a horse, they and their families can obtain a horse for free, at the expense of the taxpayers.

Unions, bankers and mega companies with large political affiliations ($$$) are also exempt.

I was going to order a new horse today, but the website was down. I am sure they will fix it. I will try again tomorrow!!!


Friday, October 25, 2013


A friend sent me this wonderful story about a little foal who was abandoned by his mother right after birth. That does happen on rare occasions. Thank goodness, this situation had a happy ending. Here is the story she sent me.

Hours after his birth, Breeze was found stumbling around by a farmer. The newborn foal was abandoned by his mother. That's when the farmer took him to Devon-based Mare and Foal Sanctuary where they instantly started caring for him. What happened next is both adorable and heartwarming. Staff put a 4-foot giant teddy bear in with Breeze. The bear's name is Buttons and Breeze quickly warmed up to him. Without his mother, Breeze has found an adorable replacement. The two have been inseparable and they expect Breeze to be just fine. Thanks to the rescuers and those who cared enough to take in this little cutie. And thanks, of course, to Button.

I think I need to rewrite Behind the Mist, Mists of Darkness and The Rising Mist (just released on ebook format) to include a teddy bear!

If you know a horse-lover age 9 and up, be sure to get them Behind the Mist, Mists of Darkness and The Rising Mist. They make great Birthday and Christmas presents!
Just click here:

Friday, October 11, 2013


I love getting letters from the kids that read Behind the Mist and Mists of Darkness. Once in a while, they include a picture they have drawn that illustrates a character or a scene in the book.

This picture was drawn by Kylie to illustrate Gloforia, the eagle that Nick heals in Behind the Mist. She continues to be a part of the story in Mists of Darkness as well.

This drawing is done by Benjamin. It is his rendition of the cottage that Nick and Jazz built once they learned to control the elements.

I love their creativity and imagination!

Great News! The Rising Mist - The Final Book of the Mist Trilogy was just released in ebook format! So, you can get it on your kindles or nooks!
For Kindle, click here:

For Nooks, Click here:

Thursday, September 19, 2013

How to Fatten Up Your Skinny Horse

I have had Kit since he was six years old. He is now twenty-three! I competed with him through second level dressage, bringing home two championships and a reserve champion. He is also the cover boy for my trail guide books. Now he is my main trail horse as I work on my third trail guide book.

I LOVE this  horse. He is my buddy.

This summer he started loosing weight. Now, since he is a thoroughbred, he has never been fat. Just like the difference between a greyhound and a St. Bernard, Thoroughbreds just don't like to get round! However, he has always been in great condition. I kept giving him more and more hay and all I was getting was more and more manure! I had the vet come out and he decided the problem was worn down molars due to his advanced age. He was having trouble chewing the hay sufficiently to digest it. So, it was just passing through. Our new diet plan is to decrease the amount of hay and greatly but GRADUALLY increase the amount of complete feed. I use Omolene 400. The average horse needs about twenty-five pounds of feed a day between hay and grains. I also use soaked beet pulp. I decided to also add some soaked alfalfa pellets. All this to make it soft enough for easy eating. He is already looking much better.

So, here are some tips for fattening up your horse. Remember, any changes you make in diet must be made GRADUALLY. Always consult with your vet and plan on it being a slow process.

1. Have the vet do a health check, especially the teeth. Worn down molars are only one possible tooth problem. Broken teeth and infections can also be the problem.

2. Increase the protein intake whether through hay (alfalfa is higher than grass) or through complete feeds. Extruded Soy is both high in fat and protein and that makes a good additive.

3. Increase fat. This can be done with beet pulp, soy and/or corn oil.

4. Make sure your worming is up to date.

5. Keep him warm in cold weather.

6. Consult with: Your vet, your horse friends and the feed store for advice.

Great News! The Third Book of The Mist Trilogy, The Rising Mist, will be out in ebook format soon! I'll let you know when the print version is out. Here is the cover that just came back from the publisher:

Monday, August 12, 2013


I am continuing my focus on trailering. My intent is not to keep you from trailering your horse but rather to make you aware of how careful you need to be when you do so your precious cargo, that is completely dependent upon you, won't get hurt.

Poker Chip Peake is another noble and great horse that  has surely earned his unicorn horn by now. He was an iron grey gelding by the famous quarter horse stallion, Driftwood. He was a dream horse for cattle ropers that competed in the tie-down event. Not only did he have perfect confirmation but he had great "cow-sense" as well. He could read a cow's thoughts before the cow even had that thought! He was also perfect at what cowboy's call "working the rope." He was able to keep the rope tight and the cow still so the roper could tie up those three legs quickly. Sadly, in 1963, Poker Chip was obediently riding in a trailer that overturned on an icy road. As a result, he developed calcium deposits on his hip which ended his career. He was retired  by his owner, Dale Smith, to a ranch near Chandler, AZ in 1966. Poker Chip was inducted into the Pro Rodeo Hall of Fame in 1979.

While I do not know the cause of the accident that injured Poker Chip other than icy roads, I just remind you to be careful when trailering your horse. Especially remember to allow a lot of space between you and the car in front of you because you can not stop as fast when pulling a trailer than you can without it. It drives me crazy when I try to allow plenty of room between me and the next car and cars continually pull in front of me! But, what can you do? Just back off some more to save your horse.

Send me the story of your Noble and Great Horse to: mjevansbtm@gmail.com.

If you love to read, order Behind the Mist and Mists of Darkness, the first two books of the Mist Trilogy. Just click here for a discount on an autographed copy!

Monday, July 8, 2013


I hate to age myself but this is what horse trailers typically looked like when I was a little girl!

While it is true that trailers have come a long, long way since then, it is still really quite remarkable that horses trust us enough to step into a noisy moving can. To them it must look very frightening. Just imagine that you were a horse and your owner wanted to put you into this:
Does it surprise you that many horses have trouble being convinced to get into a trailer? 

I sold my wonderful horse, Tai, when I got married but I warned my husband that when the last child went to first grade, I was going to get a horse again. Twenty-five years later, Nick went to first grade and I went horse-shopping. I also went trailer shopping and I came home with a brand new trailer that looked pretty much like this, only hunter green inside and out.
I had no idea that my wonderful new thoroughbred, Kit was cluster-phobic! The dark, enclosed trailer put him over the edge. He became harder and  harder to load. After a few trips, he lost control and went crazy in the trailer. He bashed the back door with two-hoof kicks and climbed up on the front feeder and bashed out the front window. I needed a crow bar to get the door open and was finally able to get him out. I put him in a pen at the stable and drove to Parker Trailers, where I had purchased the trailer. I said, with tears in my eyes, "I can't use this trailer." They took one look at the trailer and said, "We'll get you something else." They took my bashed up trailer as a trade-in (and gave me a very generous amount considering all the work they would have to do to get it fixed again to re-sell) and sent me off with a white, slant-load stock trailer complete with dressing room for me.. Kit happily walked right in this trailer and has never been a problem since. 

Over the years, I have heard so many horror stories about horses and trailers. Here is a picture of a horse that tried to dive out the window. They used a picnic table shoved up beneath the window to get the horse out. Believe it or not, this horse was not hurt. 
Other horses have not been so lucky. Two weeks ago, I was expecting Ron from Arizona to bring his two horses to my house for the weekend. Ron had been planning for a year to ride the Colorado Trail. This beautiful and, in places, challenging trail is five hundred miles long and winds its way from Waterton Canyon near Denver down to Durango. It has been built and is maintained by the Colorado Trail Foundation in cooperation with the U.S. Forest Service. It is broken into sections for easy on and off and re-supplying. Thus, hikers and equestrians love this trail. Ron's plan was to take his two horses, one to ride and one to carry supplies and ride the trail in thirty days, taking Sunday's off. He was driving up to Denver when his mare started kicking the back door of the trailer, broke it open and slid under the rump strap. At the time, Ron was driving at sixty-five miles per hour and by the time he was able to stop, the mare had been dragged and so damaged that she had to be put down. This is so very, very sad for both Ron and his mare. 

I'm sure you have heard of other terribly sad stories as we drive around the country with our horses in tow. Writing my trail-guide books: Riding Colorado, Riding Colorado II and the one I am working on now: Riding Colorado III, means I have put thousands of miles on my trailer (and it shows, believe me!) Add driving to horse shows and I get even more miles. Even though I have had a lot of trailer driving experience, it is still a worry. I wish I had one of these in my car: 
So, after I load up my horses, re-check my connection and doors, I always say a prayer!
Other safety tip: Have your trailer floor boards, brakes and ties checked regularly.

Monday, June 17, 2013


Leprechauns in running shoes, Trolls who are afraid of the sunlight and three children unwittingly prepared to lead a revolution! True, my new fantasy for ages 9 and up does not have a horse in it...oh yeah...at one point, one of the children is playing with a breyer horse...but that's it...but I assure you, you will love it anyway. To celebrate its recent release, you can sign up to win a free copy (that is FREE with no strings attached!) on Goodreads.com. Just click here: http://www.goodreads.com/giveaway/show/56168-north-mystic



    Goodreads Book Giveaway


        North Mystic by M J Evans



          North Mystic

          by M J Evans


            Giveaway ends July 30, 2013.
            See the giveaway details
            at Goodreads.

      Enter to win

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Most of you probably do not know that, in addition to my fantasy stories, "Behind the Mist," "Mists of Darkness," and "North Mystic," I also write equestrian trail guide books. The two that I have completed are titled: "Riding Colorado" and "Riding Colorado II."   Non-fiction books take a lot of research and the research for my trail guide books is truly grueling! Just imagine having to get up early to feed the horses and clean the stalls. Then pack a lunch, hook up the trailer to the back of the suburban, load the tack, being sure not to forget my helmet, putting on travel boots and loading my horse in the trailer. Then I have to brave the Denver traffic to get to one of the hundreds of trails within a two hour drive of Denver, find the trail head, unload my horse, groom, tack-up, then actually have to ride on the trails. I know, I know...you feel terribly sorry for me! However, remember, somebody had to go home and sit at the computer and write the evaluation and description of each trail. So, it isn't all just fun and games. My dear friend, Susan DeSilva of Prohorseproductions made this video for me. You are going to be really jealous that you don't live in Colorado after you watch it! Just click here:

I am currently working on "Riding Colorado III." The sub-title of the first two books is:"Day-Trips from Denver With Your Horse." I only sell those books through tack and feed stores from Colorado Springs to Longmont along the front range. However, the third book is sub-titled: "Over-night Trips From Denver With Your Horse." I am visiting cabins, bed and breakfasts, resorts and campgrounds where you can take your horse. I am trying to cover locations in all parts of the state. It has been so much fun and I still have several
places yet to visit.

Happy Trails to all of you!

Remember: When you are not riding, curl up with a great book. You will love my horse lover's fantasies: Behind the Mist and Mists of Darkness. Order them on the website: www.behindthemist.com to save $1 off the cover price AND get it autographed. 

Thursday, April 25, 2013


This article has been submitted by Tia Jones as a tribute to her noble and great horse, Suzarah that she lovingly called Zarah. You can read her blog at: http://tiajoneshorsemanship.wordpress.com.

I sat with her and brushed her and just enjoyed her presence. I kept telling her she had to heal. That I needed her. That we had big plans.

About a month ago, February 9th, she managed to get her left hind cannon bone caught in my polywire high-tensile fence. I've loved this fencing because it's been so safe. It breaks very easily--there's no metal, just vinyl rope. I'm forever fixing it, but horses don't get caught in it. They just break it if they put a hoof through it. Except this time...

Zarah had gotten just one loop around her cannon bone. She stood that way all night. When I found her in the morning, she called to me and then nickered as if to say, "I'm so glad you're here! I'm in a pickle." She was shivering, hungry and thirsty. Her left hind looked like sausage links. Huge swollen limb with a belt cinched up in the middle. she had stood in a tourniquet for probably 6 to 12 hours.

There was only a small, unimpressive wound, but she was lame. There was a bizarre locking that happened in her fetlock joint (the joint above the hoof.) I hauled her into the vet, who explained that we wouldn't really know the extent of the damage for 3-6 weeks. The lack of blood supply would be the major issue and only time would tell the story.
 The wound looked worse every day, but the vet advised me to expect that. About 18 days in, the necrotic tissue was finishing its shedding and I was left with a wound that covered about 50% of the cannon bone, covering the full circumference of the leg. It looked good and was healing well. Horses have amazing healing powers and I expected that one day the wound would be completely healed and mostly vanished. However, something was wrong with the function of the fetlock joint.

I was worried that she needed more movement to get blood flowing and healing all the tendons, ligaments, nerves, muscles...I started taking her for short walks. She perked up to be going somewhere but within 20 feet of walking, she would need a break. See, the use of the leg was worse each day and by day 18 she held it up nearly all the time. The muscle in the left hip was starting to atrophy and I noticed her showing less ability to bring the toe forward with each day.

I was getting support from 2 vets through emails and we suspected an abscessed hoof might explain her inability to weight bear around day 14. Another 4 day penicillin program had no impact by day 18. I was starting to really worry. I tried a magnetic insert in a hoof boot and an IR technology wrap around the fetlock. No change.

At day 25, it was time to take her to the vet and see if we could cast it. We were suspecting that the extensor tendon (in front of the fetlock, controlling the toe) was severed or dying. A cast would allow that tendon to reattach and stop the opposing tendon from pulling the hoof backwards. Unfortunately, as soon as the vet saw  her, he knew. There was no good way out of the situation. The damage from the lack of blood supply nearly 4 weeks earlier was too severe. A cast wouldn't get the job done. Perhaps a series of casts over a year's time, fighting the pull from the healthy tendon, would allow her to heal enough to walk on 4 legs instead of the 3-legged situation she was managing. However, she'd never be ride-able. She'd possibly be sound enough to carry a foal, but that would be her best outcome.

I immediately knew what I had to do. There was simply no way I'd put my best horse through months of agonizing casting, vulnerability from an inability to move like the wind to keep herself safe, wound management under a cast, all to keep her here with me. I could not commit an act of such selfishness. Her body was simply not going to allow her to stay with me any longer.

I had so many thoughts in the moments that followed my visit with the vet. First, my time with Zarah was over. This mare that had been my best partner for years,  helped me achieve great things and go great places, was going to have to move on. She must have other things to take care of now. She knew I had other horses that I needed to develop and learn from, who also needed to learn the things that Zarah had taught me.

I scheduled the vet for the next day, wanting to alleviate her suffering as quickly as possible. She went peacefully, finally able to rest her hoof to the ground and then to take the weight off the other 3 legs in a vision of complete release. I was glad to give this to her. She had suffered long enough. Horses are meant to run and Zarah knew how to run like no other horse I've known. She needed to get back to running.

 I bought Zarah when she was 5. I wanted a great endurance mare. She was an anglo-arab, Thoroughbred and Arab crossed. Two of the hottest and fastest breeds in one extraordinary mare. When I test rode her, she showed me how she could reach those legs out so far in a trot that I'd feel like we were at galloping speeds. I fell in love with her sensitivity, her desire to move, and her sweet nature. I instantly knew she was my horse.

She had only a few rides when I bought her, so we had lots of development ahead of us. I developed her on the ground and in the saddle. I completed Level 3 in the Parelli program fairly quickly with her. We were actively working on Level 4 when she got hurt

She turned out to be an amazing endurance horse. We were starting to get experience with 50's, but had done many 25 and 30 mile rides. She loved to lead the pack, making her a top 10 horse at most of our events. She was just a great trail horse, with a walk that many horses had to trot to keep up with. Her trot was the speed of many trail horses' canter. She wasn't spooky and she was happy to ride with me alone or with other horses. We did competitive trail riding for a while, too. An excellent trail partner in many ways, whether for pleasure or the win. I took her to so many clinics through the years. She never failed to make us look good. In the earlier years, I sometimes had to just canter her around until she could stand and focus on learning. But, as she matured, she became more centered and ready to partner the moment we stepped into the arena. She went with me to the Parelli ISC twice, teaching me with her great finesse all the while. She went with me to California to study with the great Dave Ellis, where we moved cattle together every day.
Once in a while, I would use her to help me teach a student. She was the softest, most responsive horse I owned and sometimes I needed a student to feel my horse. My horse seemed to read their minds and complete their task before they finished asking for it. She made students smile with her easy way and immense partnership. She'd give them an idea of how they'd need to develop to get their own horses that good, that soft, that partnered.

She helped me start colts. Horses that hadn't learned to release at the poll, or who needed a wise horse to follow when wearing the saddle for the first time. I was doing some liberty with 2 or 3 horses at a time, developing my ability to manage multiple  horses offline at once. Zarah was always the one doing exactly what I wanted. 

She was amazing and 8 years with her wasn't nearly enough. I'm grateful for the time we had and all that she taught me. I wouldn't be where I am had it not been for her. What a special and fantastic mare.

Thank you ZARAH. Oh, how you will be forever missed.

Share with me the story of your noble and great horse! Write to me at:

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


I own three wonderful horses...Jazz, the Hanoverian dressage horse and the star of Behind the Mist and Mists of Darkness, Kit the thoroughbred and star of my Riding Colorado trail guide books, and Party Hardy, my pony jumper that makes a brief appearance in Mists of Darkness as a race horse. I have had all three horses since they were young and just saddle and bridle broken. Kit is now 23 years old and I have had him since he was 6. Hardy is now 18 and I have had him since he was 2 and 1/2. Jazz is now 12 and I purchased him when he was 4. All three get lots of work.

My riding friends and I are always discussing the pros and cons of shoeing. After years of horse ownership, I have come to one conclusion regarding shoeing: IT DEPENDS UPON THE HORSE, WHAT YOU ARE DOING WITH HIM AND WHERE YOU ARE DOING IT!

So, no, there is not one easy, peasy answer for everyone and every horse. Horses in the wild are never shod. However, this is not always a good deal for them. Some horses have lost their lives by becoming crippled from hooves that have grown too long, or become lame from stone bruises and abscesses. If any  of you have seen a horse or donkey whose hooves have grown into a long curl, you know how heart breaking that is. That being said, mustangs, in particular, seem to have evolved into a breed with very strong, slow growing hooves. They seem to do well...yet, they too, do not live as long in the wild as a well-cared-for domestic horse due to a variety of reason.

When you consider whether to keep your horse shod or not, you have many variables to consider as I listed above. If you horse is always on sand, soft dirt, you probably won't need them. In fact, the sand tends to work like an Emory board and file the hooves. If you live in Colorado and want to ride on the mountain trails that I write about in my trail guide books, Riding Colorado and Riding Colorado II, you will definitely need some sort of hoof protection whether shoes or boots such as EZ boots. You can click on the name to see my friend, Carol Crisp, testing out the EZ boots on the Colorado Trail.

The footing is one factor. Another factor is the health and strength of your horse's hooves. Some horses have very strong feet and souls. Unfortunately, others do not. I have one pony that has great feet but he is also a whimp. When I take him on even a pepply  (I just made up that word!) trail, he is always searching for a softer route. This sometimes causes my knees to get bumped against trees!

How you are using your horse makes a difference as well. A horse that rarely leaves the arena (assuming the surface is not so sandy that it rubs off too much hoof) probably won't need shoes. If you just ride on soft, grass covered rolling hills and don't need the extra grip that a calkin or wedge on the heel of a shoe would provide (hunter use these) then you can probably go barefoot.

Kit, my main trail horse, is shod. His front shoes have a 3 degree wedge pad to help tilt the coffin bone enough to prevent further navicular (click on that to learn more about navicular.) The back feet are shod in the summer when I am up in very Rocky Mountains. (They get their name for some reason you know!)

Jazz is never shod. I usually ride him in the arena and only take him on a trail when I know the footing is good.

Hardy is also never shod. I jump him a lot but he doesn't have problems slipping. When I take him to the mountains, I have EZ boots for him.

So how do you decide? The way I see it, there are three people who need to make this decision: You, Your Horse (yes, a "people") and your farrier. If you are having problems without shoes...try shoes. If you are having problems with shoes, try without. Or, perhaps shoes part of the year, barefoot part of the year.

So, I hope something I wrote will be helpful even if I didn't give you any definitive answer. Keep your horse happy and healthy!

Send me the story of your noble and great horse. I also like pictures! Send it to: www.mjevansbtm@gmail.com

Get your own copy of Behind the Mist and Mists of Darkness...the horse-lover's fantasy.
Click here: 

Monday, April 1, 2013


To celebrate the release of my new fantasy: North Mystic, my blogging daughter-in-law, Paige Evans is offering a give-away of an autographed copy of Behind the Mist. The drawing will be held on Friday, April 5, 2013. To enter, you must go to her blog: www.paigeandchris.com and leave a comment that you would like to win a free autographed copy of Behind the Mist. She will draw one  name on Friday. Here is your chance to read the first of the horse-lover's trilogy: Behind the Mist.

About North Mystic: This is the fanciful story of three children who find their way to a village of Leprechauns only to find out that the villagers have been expecting them for hundreds of years. Their unique skills and talents are needed to help the Leprechauns fight for their freedom from a grotesque and greedy band of trolls that have been taxing them 100% of all their gold for nearly a thousand years. North Mystic is currently available on its website: www.northmystic.com and will soon be available everywhere!

If you love to scrapbook, you will want to visit Paige's blog regularly!


Sunday, March 3, 2013


If you haven't yet been convinced to read Behind the Mist, perhaps this wonderful review by Brainfood Bookstore in Longmont, CO will do the trick. This appeared in their March Newsletter.

New Book Reviews

Behind the Mist
by Margi Evans

Behind the Mist is an enchanting read that warms the heart and demonstrates the true power of love. This fantasy transpires in the land of unicorns, where these marvelous creatures roam free and magic is everywhere. This is not your average fantasy, but a tale with true morality much needed for today's youth.

Travel with Nick, an experienced Colorado trail-rider, and jazz, a seasoned show horse, as they explore the land of Celestia on their journey to join the legion of the unicorn. Celestia is a land full of magic, beauty, and danger, with surprises and trials for our dual protagonists along every step of the way. Nick and Jazz must trust in each other and banish their fears to let the power of love conquer all. Evans illustrates with ease, the unique powerful bond of a horse and their rider. With detail rich storytelling, anyone with a love for horses will be instantly hooked and everyone else will quickly fall for their charm.

An easy read that can be enjoyed by readers of all ages Evans constructs a world that engages all five senses and creates a sense of yearning for this perfect world. Evans displays her mastery of setting in her debut novel and inspires the imagination. Diverse vocabulary and numerous references to historical artists give Behind the Mist an educational edge lacking in common fantasy. Subtle Christian morals make this an uplifting tale much needed to bring light back into the darkened pages of the currently popular young adult books. Take a journey, go for a ride, and experience the magical world of Behind the Mist.

If you live near Longmont, Colorado, go in and visit this wonderful store. While you are there, pick up your own copy of Behind the Mist and Mists of Darkness.


You can save $1 off the retail price AND get an autographed copy by going to the website: www.behindthemist.com. Both books are also available on all online sites and in ebook format.

Monday, February 11, 2013


I don't know about you, but even after years of riding my future unicorns, I STILL fall off occasionally. Maybe it is because I can't afford a "finished" horse (if horses are ever really finished!) I always buy the "just-saddle-and-bridle-broke" horse. Yes, the initial purchase price is much less but the medical bills make up for that! Readers of Behind the Mist and Mists of Darkness will know the name of Jazz, the star of those books. He is a beautiful, dark-bay Hanoverian. He also  happens to be 17 hands tall! That is a long way above the ground. Having purchased him as a young and immature 4 year old, I began his dressage training...working up the levels very slowly. He is now 11 and getting ready to compete at third level (see...I told you I was training him slowly.) In any case, over the seven years that I have owned him and worked on training him, I have hit the ground many times. He never bucks or rears but he will whirl when he is startled. I think whirls are harder to stay on than bucks! While the whirls have become far less frequent, they still  happen on occasion. This only serves to remind me of two things...1) I still have to be alert to the warning signs and 2) I am not getting any younger!

With the last conclusion in mind, I want to share with you a funny article that a reader sent me. If you are my age you will be able to totally relate. (P.S. I changed the last line because I don't drink alcohol.) Enjoy!

The Stages of Aging on Horseback
Stage 1: Fall off pony. Bounce. Laugh. Climb back on. Repeat. Stage 2: Fall off horse. Run after horse, cussing. Climb back on by shimmying up horse's neck. Ride until sundown. Stage 3: Fall off horse. Use sleeve of shirt to stanch bleeding. Have friend help you get back on horse. Take two Advil and apply ice packs when you get home. Ride next day. State 4: Fall off horse. Refuse advice to call ambulance; drive self to urgent care clinic. Entertain nursing staff with tales of previous daredevil stunts on horseback. Back to riding before cast comes off. Stage 5: Fall off horse. Temporarily forget name of horse and name of husband. Flirt shamelessly with paramedics when they arrive. Spend week in hospital while titanium pins are screwed in place. Start riding again before doctor gives official okay. Stage 6: Fall off horse. Fail to see any humor when hunky paramedic says, "You again?" Gain firsthand knowledge of advances in medical technology thanks to stint in ICU. Convince self that permanent limp isn't that noticeable. Promise husband you'll give up riding. One week later purchase older, slower, shorter horse. Stage 7: Slip off horse. Relieved when artificial joints and implanted medical devices seem unaffected. Tell husband that scrapes and bruises are due to gardening accident. Pretend you don't see husband roll his eyes and mutter as he walks away. Give apple to horse. Stage 8: Go to see horse. Momentarily consider riding but remember arthritis won't let you lift leg high enough to reach stirrup - even when on mounting block. Share ginger ale with grateful horse & recall "good old days".=

If you liked that, then you are a true horse lover. 
So...you will love reading the first two 
books of the fantasy for horse lovers: 
Behind the Mist and Mists of Darkness. 
They are available where ever books are sold. Or get 
an autographed copy at: 

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

SHETLAND PONIES-The littlest unicorns!

How many of you grew up dreaming of owning a pony? Probably all of you. My image of the ideal childhood was riding around the back yard on a cute little pony just like Carolyn Kennedy was doing on the white house lawn on her pony "Macaroni." I kept trying to talk my dad into letting me keep a pony in the back yard. After all, they don't take up very much room, and then we wouldn't have to mow the lawn! He never bought into my plan any more than he went with our idea to hand dig a swimming pool! I also remember that, as a kid, I could fall off and actually bounce right back up. That doesn't happen anymore. First of all, my  horses are much bigger and second, my body doesn't work like that anymore. Sighhhhhhhhh.

Today, I want to write about Shetland Ponies. The ones I knew were both tiny and feisty. So, that is my impression of the breed. I want to give you a little background.

Shetland ponies of today are descendants of the ponies that roamed the stormy islands of Shetland off the coast of Scotland.  They were built tough to withstand the harsh elements. The islands are cold and wet. So, the ponies have short legs, thick necks, long manes and heavy coats, all designed to conserve body heat. Grazing was tough most of the year so they would actually roam the beaches in search of seaweed and fish heads to eat. They were also forced to drink salt water. 

Originally, these ponies were seldom ridden. They were our tiniest work horses. Pound for pound, they can pull more weight than a large draft. They can pull twice their own weight which even Shires or Clydesdales (see my blog from Jan. 9, 2013) can not do. The ponies were used to carry packs across rough terrain, pull heavy carts on farms and work in Britain's mines. These smart little ponies actually saved many a miner's life.  

Today these ponies are used as pets. They are measured in inches, not "hands" as horses and larger ponies are. They are usually up to 42 inches high at the withers (where the shoulders come together at the base of the neck.) There are now two types of Shetlands, the American Shetland and the British Shetland. Both retain their sturdy look but many have been developed into a more elegant animal. They are used for riding and driving. 

If you love horses, read the first two books of the Mist Trilogy: Behind the Mist and Mists of Darkness (just released on Jan. 15, 2013.) You can order an AUTOGRAPHED copy here AND save a dollar off the retail price!

They are also available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and many other sites.

Monday, January 7, 2013


I am not a beer drinker but if I were, I would have to drink Budweiser because I love their corporate symbol...the teams of Clydesdales. They also have the coolest commercials! I love the one above about the "Little Donkey that could!" That is just one of many awesome commercials, some that even make you cry. Behind the Mist readers will remember that Salamite and Portlas, the evil unicorn Hasbadana's guards, were Clydesdales. So, I decided to learn more about the Clydesdales and share it with you. The first team of Budweiser Clydesdales were a gift to celebrate the end of prohibition in 1933. August Anheuser Busch, Sr. was given the gift by his son. Today, the St. Louis MO headquarters of the brewing company are also the headquarters of the teams of horses. The company owns the largest herd of Clydesdales in the world.
 The breeding farm called "Grants Farm" near St. Louis, Missouri, houses approximately 35 mares, stallions and foals, with an average of 15 foals produced each year. This is ranked as one of the top family attractions in the country so add that to your list of places to see! Anheuser-Busch owns a total of about 250 Clydesdales, kept at various locations throughout the United States. There was a second breeding farm located near Romoland, California, about 60 miles southeast of Los Angeles, but I believe that has been moved. There are six "Hitches" (the name for teams)of Clydsdales in different locations around the country. Each Hitch is made up of ten horses. Eight pull the wagon and two are on standby. Only five of these teams travel around the country. One always stays in Missouri. There are strict qualifications to be a horse on one of the hitches (the commerical notwithstanding.) The horse must be a gelding that is at least four years old. It must stand at least 18 hands (a hand is 4 inches) at the withers and weigh 2,000 to 2,300 pounds. He must be bay (brown body with a black mane and tail,) have a white blaze down its face and have four white socks (coloring below the knee and  hock) with white feathering (long white hair that covers the hoof.)

These fabulously trained horses are used in parades, including an annual appearance in the Rose Parade, and other promotional events. They are transported around the country in huge semi trucks with all the luxuries available, including video cameras so that the drivers can keep an eye on them. 

Read about the Clydesdale unicorns Portlas and Salamite in Behind the Mist and the just released Mists of Darkness. Click here:
www.behindthemist.com to get a special discount price of just $9.95!

Send me the story of your noble and great horse. Write to me at: mjevansbtm@gmail.com. Include a picture if possible