Wednesday, August 3, 2011

SSgt Reckless - Her story deserves to be told

Did you know that in the 1990's Life Magazine named a horse as one of the 100 all time greatest American Heros? That's right! A little, sorrel, Mongolian mare was a war hero, serving our country and our soldiers during the Korean war. Reckless deserves to have her story told. Watch this touching video!

Staff Sargeant Reckless deserves to become a unicorn. God Bless America and God Bless Reckless as she gallops across the flower-filled fields of Celestia!

1 comment:

  1. Here is a link to a new song and video about the great Sgt. Reckless enjoy this emotional video. If the link isn`t live, just copy and paste to your address bar
